Friday, December 2, 2016

Virtual Assistant Training is a Must

There is nothing better when you are in business and feel like you are drowning and you finally get to the point of when you need a VA to give you the helping hand around your office it feels like 2 bricks are lifted off your shoulders.

Many people though make the mistake of overwhelming the VA with the tasks, but what you need to know is that virtual assistant training must happen from the start of the relationship for a smooth transition into your office routine.

Clear Communication:

After you have selected and tested the VA that they have the skills that you are requiring you will need to be clear on.
  • Starting times how many hours do they have to complete the task
  • When you are expecting the task back
  • Reporting is this daily or weekly?
  • Will your catch ups be by email or Skype?
  • When do they get paid some have it weekly other bi weekly – like you they have commitments as well and need to know when and how they will get paid which is normally through PayPal or Western Union.
  • How is the information to be shared with you? Will you use drop box, Podio, Trello or Google Docs or a combination?
  • Checking all work is a must and you may want to approve the work first before it’s uploaded onto a website or added to social media pages on your site to ensure that the information and grammar are correct.
Virtual assistant training starts now:

One of the first things that I would suggest is to write down the tasks you have in mind for the VA to do in dot point and under each task heading should be steps or tips on how you like this particular task done.

As simple as that sounds for you this will be all new to the VA where you need to remember that English is not their first language and in some cases maybe their 2nd or 3rd language which makes the virtual assistant training even more important.

Other virtual assistant training could easily be by a video where you can walk them through show them where to find things. This simple step using free screen capture like Jing or you can get them on Google hangout and tape the session at the same time to ensure that the virtual assistant can review and replay at their leisure if they are unsure of the task.

Feedback is vital training for your virtual assistant:

Filipino VA’s aim to please and the way that you offer feedback to praise the way that they have done a task if it needs correction balance this with praise for what they did well and calmly point out what the task lacked and again video is your friend.

When you give the type of virtual assistant training that I have mentioned you will have a loyal and highly skilled VA that will be a welcome member of your team.

A mention of Need a VA services

All the virtual assistants have had accreditation through UCLA giving them the latest and most up to date training from focus groups. Their skills are updated regularly with the courses that we run or they complete online.

If we can help with you with our skilled virtual assistants please contact us either by email or through our website we would love to help you.

Source: Virtual Assistant Training Academy

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